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2022-07-19 20:45:12 王军霞    

TRUST 撞火星| HALLOWEEN万圣节Autumn Wonderland 2017 秋季仙境室内电子音乐盛会

TRUST 撞火星| HALLOWEEN万圣节Autumn Wonderland 2017 秋季仙境室内电子音乐盛会 2017-09-19 ? 长按识别二维码购早鸟票!!! Extract the QR Code to BUY YOUR EARLY BIRD TICKETS!!! TICKET: Early Bird:50RMB,80RMB,100RMB,120RMB.140RMB,160RMB,180RMBDoor:300RMBBUS:50RMBVIP: 3000RMB 2套酒 包六人门票(2 Bottle and Include 6 Tickets)4000RMB 3套酒 包八人门票(3 Bottle and Include 8 Tickets)5000RMB 4套酒 包十人门票(4 Bottle and Include 10 Tickets) Autumn Wonderland 2017秋季万圣仙境 丁酉年,庚戌月,戊子日魑魅魍魉,逆行遇道宜女巫出行,忌瘫痪在家宜眼睛滴血,忌地球蹦迪宜院室赏音,忌街头游魂宜自始至终难辨眉目,忌庸脂俗粉穿戴平常,宜颜色魅惑似血似泪,忌茫然绝望失魂彷徨。 宜与相信电音回到火星!!! 宜与三十名电音巫师同欢,宜三间房串行,天干物燥,小心鬼怪 3 STAGES▼ 30 ArtistsTRICK OR TREAT? What is a wonderland? A wonderland is important for everyone to allow you to build a fairy tale of adventure. Every girl has the illusion of their own Alice in Wonderland. We promise to give you a very best HALLOWEEN!!! On 28th/Oct/2017, You will be transported to DREAM-LIKE SPACE fullfilled with magic and creepiness, to an enchanting BUT freaky deaky wonderland this time. With dazzling lights,art installations and energetic, fun, loving, and respectful crowd and tasty food vendors,get ready for 30 of finest Artists from all over the country, shaking the gournd with techno, drumNbass, trap,and Psy-Trance. Let's go back to the rabbit hole, entering this Psycho circus and never ever letting the nightmare end. Dress code: Wonderland style MAIN ROOM▼ PANCAKE LEE+MARIO YU/QQ/JULIANA LIMA/HUANG WEIWEI/AIDA/PUMP SU/NIGLS/ERIC LEE/KIMO/XIAO8/HAMOUDEH/SOHAN/TUCOCO+SUNK BASS ROOM▼ MARIO/DMITRY DELIGHT/SHORTY-S/DAYONG/LUCY WANG/DOWN-D/SONY CUI ENLIGHTENMENT ROOM▼ ZENA/ANAN/BODYSNATCHER/BASARA/ACID GURU/ANGRY5JARngry5JaRVJ DEPTH OF FIELD 深度合作方▼ 票务销售合作TICKET▼ 如果你想成为活动推广者和门票售卖者即可获得高额回报相信电音,欢迎你的加入! 添加微信 pancakelee_dabingIf you want to became our promoter or be in charge of selling tickets you will have the possibility to earn a lot of money!! TRUST DJ体验中心SCHOOL▼ 如果你想成为DJ,Party中的Super Star,电子音乐节中的佼佼者,请添加微信:pumpsuIf you want be a DJ,Party super Star,Please add wechat:Pumpsu 赞助合作SPONSOR▼ 如果有意愿赞助我们的音乐节请添加微信 pancakelee_dabing,Sponsor Cooperation Please add wechat:Pancakelee_dabing 媒体合作MEDIA▼ 关于媒体合作事宜请添加微信Mario_super_yu,Media Cooperation Please add Wechat:Mario_super_yu 宣传小组PROMOTION▼ 如果热爱电子音乐音乐文化,你可以参加我们的宣传小组,协助我们宣传音乐节,让你亲身体验音乐节的筹备,策划,宣传和组织事宜,有意者可以联系我们If you love electro music and its culture, you can be part of our marketing team and will be able to experience all the things behind this kind of event. 有意者可以添加微信:pancakelee_dabingPlease add wechat:Pancakelee_dabing 艺人经济 市集招募BOOKING and Festival MARKET▼ 关于艺人经济事宜请添加微信:menlingcao,DJ Booking Please add Wechat:menlingcao





